When you finally do get to share the bed, it's pure joy.
1. You never get sick of each other. Because you only see each other one or two weekends a month — less time than you probably spend, collectively, like, doing laundry.
2. Each weekend spent together is like a mini vacation. Long distance relationship
people who watch TV together actually WATCH TV together (read:
cuddling, giggling, enjoying each other), rather than having the TV on
while they sit on the couch and read their phones with the cat in
between them. Or if the weather's nice we get off our asses and actually
use those free aquarium passes his aunt gave him. Because time is
precious and no second together can be wasted looking mindlessly at
emails you've already read on your iPhone.
3. You can surprise each other more spectacularly.
Because you can show up at his place before he gets home one weekend.
Nothing beats a surprise visit when he's not expecting it (except the
sex you have when he shows up).
4. It's fun to do banal things together. Like
grocery shop. Or laundry. Because you do so little together and have
each other around so infrequently that even scraping lasagna from the
plates you ate off when you HAD DINNER TOGETHER AT YOUR APARTMENT
becomes a thing to relish.
5. You enjoy sharing a bed. Everyone knows couples
who share a bed sometimes just want nothing more than the other person
to get out of the damn bed early in the morning so they can sprawl out
like a starfish, like God intended. In a long-distance relationship, it's impossible to stop cuddling when you're in the thing. You are a koala, he is your tree.
6. It's like having a second home in another city. Which basically makes you like a person who has homes all over the world. (Beyoncé.) (You are Beyoncé.) (#blessed)
7. You're usually available when your friends want to hang out.
Because your time with your S.O. is so strictly scheduled and rare that
when your friends call you to go out for tacos on a random Sunday
because it's unexpectedly sunny outside, you can just go without leaving
him by himself at home.
8. It's easy to balance your friend time and relationship time.
Because you only have your S.O. for a few days out of the month and
your friends don't mind if you disappear when you're together.
9. It strengthens your communication skills. Making a
long distance relationship work is ALL about communication, and not
just talking on the phone every day or every other day, but also
communicating about life goals. When do you plan on the distance part
ending? You both have to discuss that and be on the same page for it to
10. You have a lot of excuses to splurge on nice dates without regret.
Because your dates happen infrequently, you can spend double what you
might normally without feeling like you really should have saved that
for your future mortgage.
11. You always have a trip to look forward to. To your second home, because that's how you ball.
12. You enjoy the benefits of living alone while also getting to practice living with your S.O.
You can be messy for the weeks he's not staying with you, then practice
being neat and tidy for the two or three days he's staying in your apt
with you. Rinse and repeat.
13. If one of you has time off, you get to spend a week together.
Which feels like a vacation even if you're home. Uninterrupted time
together when you're so used to only getting weekends here and there is
14. You get to leave work early a couple times a month to see each other.
You have an excuse because you have to leave early to catch your
plane/train/automobile to see your S.O. Bosses tend to generally be
understanding of this facet of LDR life.
15. You know if you can make it through this you can make it through anything.
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