Since today is the Last Day of the 4th month of the year, it’s a good
time to update your goals. How are you doing so far with the goals you
set (or refreshed) at the beginning of the year? Are you making good
progress? Are you drifting or stuck? Did you fail to set intelligent
goals to begin with?
In my experience, choosing the right goals to begin with is
incredibly important if you want to make real progress and enjoy that
wonderful feeling of flow. So let me share some of my recent discoveries
on how to set goals more consciously.
The Classical Approach
In the past I used to set goals with a focus on covering the
different areas of my life. I’d set goals for my health, work/business,
contribution, finances, social life, relationships, personal growth,
spiritual path, etc. This worked okay for the most part, and I
maintained this approach for many years. I even wrote some articles
recommending this approach.
This wasn’t an approach I devised. It was basically something I
inherited from various personal development books I read. The approach
seemed sound, so I used it by default. Initially I couldn’t see anything
wrong with it.
However, as I continued using this approach I often felt myself
getting stuck or sidetracked. Sometimes I’d look at my goals, and while
they seemed pretty intelligent on the surface, I