What physical characteristics do you consider hot? Sexy? A turn-on?
Well, if you’re a man trying to come up with what the ultimate woman
looks like, your answers will be far different than what a woman
believes is attractive about another woman.
That’s the finding from lingerie brand Bluebella,
which polled people from both genders to find out what celebrity
attributes they preferred. When it came to building the perfect female
form, it shouldn’t be too surprising that men like bigger and rounder
attributes — think Kim Kardashian’s boobs and Scarlett Johansson’s big
hair period. Women, however, went for smaller and perkier options, like
Jennifer Aniston’s chest.
One fun fact, when it came to picking attributes for the perfect man,
men and women were much more closely aligned. Both sexes love a ripped
body, quibbling between things like Brad Pitt’s biceps versus Hugh
Jackman’s, which we think may have more to do with who
the current movie
stud is rather than an actual difference in diameter. The biggest
difference? Women liked floppy Harry Styles’ hair, while men went for a
classic Brad Pitt buzz.
To illustrate both these points, Bluebella melded the different
celebrity body parts into the sexiest Frankenstein creatures you’ve ever
It would be interesting to know whether or not the respondents saw
random body parts when making their selections, or if they knew the
celebrity those appendages belonged to. Why? Because if you look at the
perfect woman pictures, men seemed to select slightly wilder women than
the gals did, perhaps letting personality influence their decisions.
As a side note, Bluebella is a London based company, which is why
some of the celebs are more Euro-focused; if you’re a US reader, you may
not necessarily recognize all the names mentioned. That said, the
results seem to hold true no matter what side of the world you live on.
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