Don’t Enter Marriage Thinking That All You Need is Love
Finding Miss
or Mr. Right in not always an easy thing to do. Once you think you’ve found the
right person, you may have doubts. Having doubts about who you are marring is
not only normal, having doubts is healthy.
you already know that you shouldn’t marry someone who drinks too much, spends
too much, work too much, brags too much, uses drugs or other illegal behaviour,
or is unfaithful, cruel, or dishonest.
If you
future spouse is free of those destructive and you are still having doubts
about getting married, read through these statements. You will see if your
doubts are reasonable and worth paying attention to or if you are having cold
feet about getting married without any rational reasons.
Happiness and Emotional support
You will know you are marrying the right
person when you feel support and encouragement about your own growth both
emotionally and intellectually. The right person will want you to be
emotionally healthy and able to stand on your own two feet. When you are with
the right person you will feel god about yourself, safe, and fulfilled.
Affection, Love, and Sex
You will know you are marrying the right
person if your future spouse says “I love you” not
only in words spoken, but by
loving actions. We define loving actions as doing things such as noticing when
you are tired, remembering your birthday, wanting to spend time with you,
listening to you, showing you respect, calling if you are running late, showing
you affection, being patient with you if you don’t understand something communication,
Goals, and values: Having different likes and different opinions is okay as
long as the two of you agree to disagree, Although you may not always agree
with one another, conversations with the right person will be interesting and
not boring. The right person will communicate thoughts and feelings with you
and will not keep hurts and concerns bottled up inside.
Trust and Honesty
The right person will trust you and not
monitor your phone calls, or computer usage, or limit the amount of time you
spend with others you care about. You will know you are marrying the right
person if your future spouse does not try to isolate you from your family and
friends. You not only need to belong to family, friends, groups, etc, you have
the right to do so. The right person in your life will not try .to control your
life but will want to share a life with you. The wrong person will make you
feel as if you have to walk on egg shells in order to keep peace in your home.
Red flags in Your Relationship
If you realize that the there are red flags
or problematic issues in your relationship, don’t ignore them or delude
yourself into thinking that the red flags aren’t that.
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