Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Microsoft Posts Tips for Overcoming Windows 8.1 Update KB 2919355 Errors

Microsoft has finally posted official (if partial) guidance on overcoming the seven most common errors when installing the must-have Windows 8.1 Update.
It only took six weeks, but Microsoft Technical Advisor Paul Sey has published definitive guidance on overcoming the seven most common errors that people encounter when trying to install Windows 8.1 Update -- better and more accurately known as KB 2919355. That patch, you may recall, is a prerequisite for receiving any additional Windows 8.1 patches, starting next month.

Sey doesn't promise that the suggested fixes will work in all cases. But at least it's a step in the right direction, particularly for Windows 8.1 customers who have been pounding away at the problem, under threat of excommunication, for weeks.

Here's the short version of his Answers forum post:
  • If you receive the message "Error: We couldn't complete the updates, Undoing changes. Don't turn off your computer," Microsoft doesn't have a workaround, but you're asked to post the update error code for further analysis. In the past day, 13 people have replied, many of them saying that there is no error code.
  • Error 800F0922 may be due to a too-small System Reserved Partition size (you'll need to use a third party program, such as EaseUS Partition Manager to fix it), or might be a conflict with a VPN Client module. Four people have replied in the past day, and none of them have found the proposed solutions effective.
  • Error 80070003 -- the error I talked about on April 3,  the day after KB 2919355 shipped -- is "related to expected files, folders, or registry paths that are missing." Suggested cure is to manually create the folder C:\Users\Default, then run the Windows Update Troubleshooter. If that doesn't work, then run the DISM ("Deployment Image Servicing and Management") tool from an elevated command prompt. If that still doesn't work, you should contact Microsoft. No response to the thread yet.
  • Error 80070005 may appear because your system's infected. The suggested solution involves running the MS Safety Scanner, running the Update Troubleshooter, then running the DISM tool from an elevated command prompt. No response to the thread.
  • Error 80070490 could be caused by a corrupted version of the servicing stack. Solution is to run the DISM tool from an elevated command prompt. No responses.
  • Finally, our old friend Error 80073712 "might mean that a file needed by Windows Update is damaged or missing." The suggested solution is the same arcane combination of DISM runs we've seen before -- the ones that many people have stated don't work. Poster NerdyJack put it succinctly:
It has been one and a half months since this error first appeared, and MS still provides us with this same old sln that apparently wouldn't work. I really can't believe this. Microsoft Surface Pro 2, Windows 8.1. Did the remove package command, it says package not found etc. then executed restore health command, it says health can't be restored etc. finally component cleanup, it says no problem found. Install the  update again, oh yeah, same error! I can't remember how many times I repeated this during the past one and a half months. Really disappointed.
When Microsoft posted that all-encompassing list of suggested workarounds, it also shut off posts on the two long-running Answers threads about KB 2919355, one of which is up to 103 pages, the other at 116 pages.

If you're having problems installing KB 2919355, it would behoove you to look at the appropriate Answers thread and speak up if you can't get the proferred solution to work. Microsoft's called off the dogs for forced Windows 8.1 Update this month, but if there's no hue and cry, next month may find us with no answers and no alternatives.
I guess it's entirely possible that the problem's been solved, eh?

This story, "Microsoft posts tips for overcoming Windows 8.1 Update KB 2919355 errors," was originally published at Oluinfotech.blogspot.com. 


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