Wednesday, 2 May 2012


There are several reasons that a laptop's hard drive may need to be formatted. Heavy use and abuse of Windows, installing and removing large numbers of programs and virus infestation can all cripple Windows to the point that a re-installation of the operating system is needed. It's possible, too, that you have purchased a new hard drive to replace a failed drive or to give higher storage capacity, and need to format that drive to prepare it for Windows installation. Using a Windows installation disk or software provided by the hard drive manufacturer, makes it easy to format. Read on to learn how to format a laptop hard drive.

 Things You'll Need
  • Windows installation media (and product key)
  • Manufacturer software


    • 1
      Ensure that the hard disk is installed properly in the laptop. The drive cannot be formatted before it is installed, or if it's not installed correctly.
    • 2
      Gather the required software. The type of media will depend on the hardware in your laptop. Older computers without a CD-ROM drive, will require the use of the operating system floppy disks. Laptops that can run Windows XP require the installation CD and product key. Older versions of Windows also have disk-formatting capability in the installation process, and the installation media is either a CD or floppy disk.
    • 3
      Place the installation disk or manufacturer software in the drive and then boot the computer. Early in the installation process, the Windows installer has a step that will detect any installed hard disks and allow for them to be formatted. The software from the disk manufacturer will also detect the hard disk and give you the option to format the drive.
    • 4
      Determine which file system is to be used. Windows XP will either work on a NTFS file system or an older VFAT file system. Choose the desired file system when prompted.
    • 5
      Decide whether the whole disk should be formatted or if the disk will be partitioned and each partition to be formatted separately. The Windows installer includes a menu-driven utility that will create hard disk partitions before formatting. If the hard disk is being formatted to replace an existing Windows installation, delete the existing partitions and re-create them.
    • Format the hard disk with the Windows installer when prompted. The Windows installer will let you know when it is time to format the disk and ask for confirmation.

Tips & Warnings

  • The manufacturer software that comes with a laptop hard drive will sometimes include disk-formatting capabilities, but will not install Windows.


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